For SLPs:

“I had people in my life who didn’t give up on me: I had one-on-one speech therapy.”
– Temple Grandin, Autism Rights Activist

Introducing FEES: The Innovative Alternative to MBSS

When it comes to assessing swallowing, the MBSS has long been the go-to benchmark. However, ongoing research has shed light on an exciting alternative: FEES. With numerous patient and clinical advantages, FEES is making waves as the discerning SLP’s choice.

FEES proves highly tolerable for patients with various conditions, including Stroke, Dementia, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, COPD, and Anxiety.

What sets FEES apart is its ability to eliminate the risk of barium aspiration and the need for radiation. This low-risk, repeatable assessment method allows for early identification of dysphagia.

Not only is FEES patient-friendly, minimizing discomfort, but it also helps minimize costs. Say goodbye to radiology charges, transport fees, and barium expenses.

With FEES, everything is portable, and testing can be done on-demand wherever it’s needed. No need to sacrifice other critical therapy needs.